Monday, December 23, 2013

A Love Story

Saying goodbye and leaving is so bittersweet. It feels like a love affair that must come to an end. A break-up that fills my heart with ache.  It is truly time to go our separate ways. Still painful nonetheless.

I would like to express to you how I feel at this moment. I owe you at least that. I want to thank you for the many memories we've had together. Some sad, some challenging, but most of all happy memories! Thank you for providing shelter and warmth during the cold winters and the sad life events. Thank you for being there for us through all the joys and celebrations! Thank you for being my canvas while we changed and added to you, inside and out. I'm glad we shared these years together. There will always be a place in my heart for you. I'm so very grateful to have shared part of my life with you. May you bless the future people who live with you. My hope is that they love you as much as I did.

As we move on to create another beautiful home, always know that you will not be forgotten.

You never know, I may ride by in the future just to say "hi".
You will be missed, my beautiful home!


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