Sunday, February 16, 2014

Simple Solution DIY

What to do with that big white wall?

It was a bit of a challenge to add artwork to this long wall.

I wanted to use this multi-media artwork for the space.

It's all about size and scale, and this painting was lost on the expansive wall.

 With a few common items, I created a simple solution to this problem.

I measured off a section about one foot on each side of the painting.

I then used the washer and thread to create a straight line by taping it at the top of the wall and letting it hang down to the bottom. 
I placed pencil marks down along the string from top to bottom.
I then connected the dots for that perfect straight line.

I selected the right paint color to accent the space.

I then taped out the section to be painted.

The result - the perfect accent wall to balance the painting.

The painted section gives a much needed break to the long white space.

It also helps to define the space and separate it from the other artwork hanging along the same wall.

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